Hello everyone! For those who visited our site since the end of July, we apologize for the "downtime" of some of its features, such as the News Tracker. A PHP upgrade in the server has caused some major havoc in the way we used cron jobs. We had two different PHP versions running our scripts and a very hard time to debug one of them. However, I have found out a way to use only one again, and this has fixed every scheduled task here. So, things like PPM News Tracker, the news posts from the main sites and subsites, as well as the content of the site will now be as updated as it used to be before this mess. Not to mention that our ability to track the latest news around the community was also recovered with that fix.

That is it in terms of updates about our site. Regarding other projects, we had:

- Dawn of the Tiberium Age updated to that fixed a problem where the game didn't display descriptions when hovering over sidebar icons.

- Voxel Section Editor III 1.4 Beta (Build 293) fixes the splash screen and emphasizes X as lateral, Y as height, and Z as depth in more forms of the program.

Howdy! The End of Days has been recently improved with the release of The End Of Days 0986 Patch 2. For your information, The End of Days is a mod for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. It adds Russia and the European Defense Alliance as new playable factions and improves the original three with new units, structures, and special powers! It strives to bring an authentic real-war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! It also replaces Heroes with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41. It also innovates with purchasable subfactions at your tech center instead of the original choice of "Generals" before battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions has 3 completely different subfactions to choose from. Here are the changes and the fun stuff from The End Of Days 0986 Patch 2:

Change log:
  • Reduce AT infantry armor vs. small_arms by 10%
  • Increased all air-dropped bomb damage from buildable jets by 10%, including heavy bombers
  • 15% damage increase vs. structure for: Iskanders, DF-12, Scuds, Tomahawks
  • Improved Russia ECM tower GP: Receives disturber disabling weapon after Subfaction upgrade. Regular jamming ability improved to be more efficient :question:
  • Improved USA Helipad GP: Repair rate improved by 20%. Can be upgraded with a patrolling attack helicopter after a sub-faction upgrade
    TU-22 Bombs fall faster and are scattered to cover an even radius and not a line. Missiles do 10% more damage, and AOE increased by 25%
    Improve F-16 role: Cluster bombs fall faster and first hit the ground, doing some damage, and then the clusters randomly fly and hit a medium-sized area around. Jet speed improved by 5%
  • Reduced the reload time of DF-41 and TopolM from 4 to 3 min
  • Reduced the reload time of Minuteman from 5 to 4 min
  • Mirage Bombs fall faster and scattered to cover an even radius and not a line
  • Fixed TOS-1A Subdue Health cap
  • Fixed missing Shaheen Warheads
  • Fixed Spetsnaz Rocket Attack button
  • Fixed duplication hotkey of armor-piercing missiles and aerospace command for Russian tech center
  • DF-21, Kurier, and Shaheen reload time was decreased from 120 sec to 90 sec. Launcher cost increased from 2000 to 2500 and build time +5 sec. launchers HP increased by 100
  • USA Global Hawk scout drone is now not selectable and will act like the old scout drone from ZH with a larger reveal range
  • Dozers movement speed was reduced from 40 to 35
  • GLA small toxin fields don't do damage to allied units
  • Dozer's speed was reduced by 15% to prevent turret rush and barrack blocks, etc.
  • GLA worker build time reduced by 20%
  • Quadruple AA gun secondary damage removed. Clip reload time increased from 290ms to 400ms
  • GLA supply Stash cost reduced from 1800 to 1500
  • GLA suicide drone and China Suicide (Nest) drones are now stealth. China scout drone as well
  • GLA suicide drone damage increased by 10%
  • Russian Orion drone is stealth again
  • All scout vehicles now detect drones to balance the stealth-flying drones
  • Chinese hacking beam no longer causes FPS drop, or at least not so noticeable
  • GLA Bomb truck Scrapped nuke reactors upgrade increased from 1000 to 2000, and build time increased by 25%
  • Bomb truck object upgrade of nuke reactors increased from 200 to 500, and build time increased by 100%
  • Fixed Scorpion rockets not firing
  • Fixed Missile Defender Laser lock
  • AI balances to make it a bit weaker and beatable
  • Fixed Turbo Vampire's strange vertical falling-on-target
  • F-16 Cluster bomb upgrade is now a Global upgrade
  • F-16 Cluster bomb weapon firing range increased from 250 to 300
  • The supply Collection speed of China, Russia, and GLA improved by 7% to match the USA
  • GLA worker's build time reduced by 10%
  • Improved PvP game stability and reduced mismatch. However, it still happens every few games when more than 3 players are ingame! For 1v1 or 3FFA it's very stable. Players vs AI was not investigated, and I assume the mismatch will be very likely!

You can find more information about The End of Days by visiting the ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. The End of Days is downloadable at This Address. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on The End of Days!

Greetings, everyone! There is a new beta version of paint.net released under the name paint.net 5.0 beta (build 9064). For your information, paint.net is a free and open-source image and photo editing software for Windows with a quite rich set of features. Here are the updates from paint.net 5.0 beta (build 9064):

This build fixes some issues reported with the previous build, namely with pasting or loading images of certain types (e.g., 8-bit PNGs) or with certain types of color profiles (XYB/LUT). Input latency for the canvas has also been further reduced a little.

Change Log

Changes since 5.1 beta (build 9063):

  • Fixed: Clicking in the color wheel was not setting the active color
  • Fixed: Retrieving an 8-bit bitmap from the clipboard with IClipboardService.TryGetImageBgra32() was not working

Changes since 5.1 beta (build 9056):

  • Fixed: Right-clicking in the Colors window’s palette will now correctly set the inactive color (regression from 5.0)
  • Improved input latency further by using a dedicated per-Control thread for asynchronously calling IDXGISwapChain[1]::Present[1]() instead of using the shared thread pool. This also fixes some weirdness at startup with canvas redrawing when a lot of plugins are installed, especially if the antivirus decides to do a more in-depth security scan.
  • Fixed: Could not copy 8-bit-or-less bit-depth images from Explorer into Paint.NET.
  • Fixed: Copying a 4-bit PNG from Explorer into Paint.NET would have extremely bad performance.
  • Fixed: Images with XYB LUT color profiles were not loading or were loading incorrectly
  • Fixed: GPU effect plugins will not default to Float32 precision when using IDeviceContext.CreateImageFromBitmap(). This was otherwise resulting in inconsistent rendering output or analysis results.
  • Fixed: IImagingFactory.CreateColorTransformedBitmap() and IBitmapSource.CreateColorTransformer() is now available for plugins to make use of for color management purposes.
  • New: Plugins may now use PixelFormat.[Try]CreateDefaultColorContext(), IImagingFactory.[Try]CreateDefaultColorContext(), and IDeviceContext.[Try]CreateDefaultColorContext() extension methods. These will create the default color context (color profile) for the given PixelFormat.
  • New: Plugins may now use the PixelFormat.GetInfo() extension method to retrieve the corresponding IPixelFormatInfo object
  • New: Plugins may now implement the managed ITextRenderer interface (corresponds to the native IDWriteTextRenderer1 interface) and use it when calling ITextLayout::Draw(…)
  • New: Added ITextLayout methods Get/SetCharacterSpacing and Get/SetPairKerning
  • New: Added ITextFormat properties LastLineWrapping, OpticalAlignment, and VerticalGlyphOrientation

Download and Install

You can find more information about paint.net by visiting the Official Website. paint.net is downloadable at This Address. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy paint.net!

Greetings! Reinforcements have arrived from C&C World-Altering Editor as C&C World-Altering Editor v1.3.3 has been recently released by ^Rampastein. C&C World-Altering Editor is a map editor for the Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun Red Alert 2, and its expansions. It originally started as a map editor for Dawn of the Tiberium Age. The changes from C&C World-Altering Editor v1.3.3 were announced with the following words:

Bugfix release.

Common changes

  • Default HouseType color has been changed from black to white (mainly concerns HouseTypes/Countries that have no section in the map file)
  • Fixed bug where turret animations were locked to a specific facing
  • Fixed default tech level of generated standard houses to be 10 instead of 7

RA2/YR specific

  • (YR) Added support for Marble Madness graphics for some NEWURBAN tiles. These graphics reuse URBAN Marble Madness tile graphics, meaning some of them are incorrect, but it's better than not having Marble Madness mode graphics at all. FA2 also does the same
  • (RA2/YR) Countries are now written to the map starting from ID 0 instead of using the number of countries in rulesmd.ini as the first ID
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed a bug where sections for countries modified in the map were not written if the map had no custom countries added
  • (RA2/YR) Fixed missing linebreak between "Waypoint" and "TransportWaypoint" in the hover-on info panel of the TeamType selection window

You can find more information about C&C World-Altering Editor by visiting the Topic at PPM Forums, Official Website, and Discord Channel at C&C Mod Haven. C&C World-Altering Editor is available for download Here. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy C&C World-Altering Editor!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! The team from Dawn of the Tiberium Age has been working hard these days and they have just published Dawn of the Tiberium Age 13.1.3. Dawn of the Tiberium Age is a stand-alone mod for Tiberian Sun that combines Tiberian Dawn (Command & Conquer 95) and Red Alert featuring a classic mode and an enhanced mode. Here is what we know about Dawn of the Tiberium Age 13.1.3:

Version 13.1.3:
Released: Oct 20, 2024

  • Fixed: Co-Op mission "GDI 09: Code Name Delphi" couldn't be finished (Credits: Chronoseth).
  • Fixed: The "A Bridge Too Many" Co-Op mission crashed at some point for the Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty levels (Credits: Rampastring).

Version 13.1.1:
Released: Oct 16, 2024

  • Fixed: Brutal difficulty Co-Op missions didn't function properly (Credits: Rampastring).

For further information about Dawn of the Tiberium Age, visit its Forums at PPM, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. Download Dawn of the Tiberium Age 13.1.3. And this is all for today! Enjoy Dawn of the Tiberium Age and provide your feedback about it so it can get better.

Hello ladies and gentlemen! SWR Productions, the leader of Rise of The Reds, has recently posted some of the progress done with Rise of The Reds. For those unaware, Rise of The Reds is a classic and popular modification for C&C Generals: Zero Hour that adds two completely new factions: the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defense-oriented European Continental Alliance. It also greatly expands the three original factions with several new units, buildings, powers, and abilities to explore and combine with your in-game tactics. Here is what you need to know about the progress on Rise of The Reds:

Hello everyone!
Welcome to this week's weekly update. Tonight, we are exploring some more of the changes to the ever-popular GLA airforce, more specifically, some changes to the Hook Gunship.

Added in 1.86, the Hook Gunship was the product of a rather unusual series of tests and ideas. Originally, it was meant to be a simple visual replacement to the GLA bomber model that would drop off scorpion tanks at the Reinforcement Pad. After all, why should a bomber drop off tanks? That's a little silly, even for the GLA. After feeling the result wasn't quite "GLA enough" so, after adding some rocket pods, machine guns, and missile launchers, the Hook transport became the Gunship unit we know today. Fun fact: this was also what led to the development of the Boxcar plane you may have seen previously, so there's some fun behind-the-scenes info if that's your sort of thing.

After its inclusion in 1.86 and a few subsequent nerfs, the Hook entered a bit of a low spot, being a unit that wildly swung between game-ending or pitiable depending on whether the opponent built anti-air or not. In general, we haven't been too happy with the spot the GLA air force was in during 1.87, as we found that players had mainly been using the GP for its Overwatch ability instead of using the collection of air units it provides to expand the GLA sandbox. As such, we have spent a fair amount of time redesigning the GLA airforce, expanding its capabilities, and trying to make its undesirable additions more desirable. We will be posting more about this in future updates, so stay tuned...

In the meantime, let's focus on what this update is all about: the new Hook. Yes, it's another 'Rise of the Kits' inclusion, but for our more observant readers, you should be thinking "Hang on, I thought most of the kits were being added to replace bike_logic code, but the Hook has no bike_logic. What gives?"

Well-observed hypothetical-smarty-pants-reader, gold star for you.
Yes, that is because of another new 1.9 design decision you may have noticed on some of the internal streams. Now, many powerful specialist units now have a build limit of 4. This was an extremely contentious design direction amongst the internal team - after all, we recognize that part of Command & Conquer's identity is that the series allows you to build huge armies without population mechanics limiting what you can do (beyond hero units, of course). Our team has played a huge amount of other RTS games, and we often take inspiration from non-CNC games and try to incorporate what works and what doesn't into our own work. Many of our team (... I'll be honest, most of them) are very large fans of the Dawn Of War Franchise, and if you know anything about that game, you will know that many of its units have specific limits to how can be fielded at a time.

From a design perspective, unit limits offer themselves as a useful tool that creates a special place within the sandbox for units that operate above the expected performance of normal gameplay to exist and shine. It lets players enjoy powerful specialist units, and it lets designers account for their prevalence and prevent these units from scaling out of control and becoming overpowered through sheer numbers of them. in 1.9 and into the future, we have decided to take inspiration from this type of design to give many of our more specialized heavy-hitting units the chance to be at that higher level of power without needing to reduce their impact to make up for balance concerns.

This brings us back to the Hook. For now, the Hook is one of these units with a limit of 4. We didn't want to buff the Hook and call it a day. We wanted to really make the Hook feel like an impactful unit where its limit of 4 had a purpose. Thus, we added kits to the unit to allow it to fit into different and unique gameplay niches to either be a powerful spearhead, a game-ending harassment tool, or a valuable support tool for players who invest the Generals Points into it.

Once produced in surprisingly high numbers for one of the largest and heaviest helicopters ever conceived, the Hook has become an aviation rarity by the mid-21st century. Most units nowadays are under the control of the Global Liberation Army, acquired through corrupt channels or the outright collapse of several fragile states in Asia and Africa, where the most powerful factions within the organization now operate their own quasi-air forces.

For many a warlord, the Hook is as much a weapon of war as it is a symbol of prestige, carrying armed soldiers and even light vehicles into battle while delivering devastating fire from a variety of cannons and rocket launchers. Some helicopters have even been used to deploy crude radiological weapons, so-called "dirty bombs", assembled from stolen, salvaged, or illegally purchased nuclear materials. As if this most common configuration of the Hook was not terrifying enough, a number of field modifications have made sporadic appearances in recent years.

When equipped with Gun Ports, passengers onboard the Hook can fire their weapons in flight, adding even greater firepower as well as versatility. During anti-GLA operations in Cameroon, French airborne forces suffered an embarrassing series of helicopter losses to Hooks, whose passengers fired Stinger missiles at them while paratroopers on the ground were hunted down by heliborne sharpshooters. Despite European efforts, the country remained a hotbed of GLA activity for years.

Render Description: MARS2588

When equipped with Improvised Bombs instead of their regular dirty bombs, the Hook becomes a terrifying demolition helicopter. Little more than metal barrels filled to the brim with explosives, these bombs can destroy buildings, hardened fortifications, and even heavy tanks. This was brutally demonstrated during an incursion into Egypt, whose Overlord tanks, purchased only in their basic configuration without the secondary Gattling turret, were annihilated in the attack.

Render Description: MARS2588

When equipped with the Junk Claw, the Hook can act as a mobile repair support helicopter for friendly ground and air forces by delivering spare parts and machinery in a most unorthodox fashion. The GLA's mobile raiding forces, which operate autonomously over extended times in vast and remote environments, have been a persistent thorn in the side of South Africa and other neighboring countries for years, thanks to this surprisingly effective form of heliborne logistics and support.

Render Description: MARS2588

The 4-unit limit exists in some form for at least 1 unit for each faction, including some redesigned existing units (like the Claymore and Topol), or some Vanilla classics (like the Scud)

As such, we're excited for you guys to get your hands on these limited units and really let loose with their power. That's all for this week! See you next time.

...Nah, you got me. Here are some teasers. First, one to guess what they are getting a hug (you can pay for my flight, I'm not made of money)

And, of course, the ever-confusing...this... guy!

... okay, now we're signing off for reals. Enjoy your week, and see you next Sunday!

For further information about Rise of The Reds, visit the Official Website, Forums, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. And this is all we can offer for today regarding Rise of The Reds!

Hello everyone! SWR Productions, the leader of Rise of The Reds, has been busy recently working on it and shared its progress report with us. For those unaware of what is being written here, Rise of The Reds is a classic and popular modification for C&C Generals: Zero Hour that adds two completely new factions: the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defense-oriented European Continental Alliance. It also greatly expands the three original factions with several new units, buildings, powers, and abilities to explore and combine with your in-game tactics. Here is what you need to know about the progress on Rise of The Reds:

Hello everyone! Welcome to the weekly update!
This week is another kit exploration and explanation. This time, for the classic American Crusader Tank.

It is well known by now that we have been doing what we can to make the content in 1.9 as optimized as possible, and that goes much beyond the physical coding of the units. A large part of the optimizations also involves trimming the fat on single-unit upgrades and trying to make every upgrade feel impactful and important. Many of you may not know this, but the SAGE engine only allows for a maximum of 128 upgrades. With the way Generals are currently planned for in version 2.0, they will each require an upgrade to 'select', so with 15 Generals using 15 upgrades, that leaves us with only 113 upgrades to work with. On top of that, code-wise, the process of how the engine applies an upgrade also has special properties, so many of these upgrades have to be put aside for the sake of keeping some of ROTR's introduced mechanics and behaviors functional. Thus, we have been working hard to streamline the ingame upgrades as much as possible and replace single-use upgrades for single units with more varied and expansive upgrades that affect multiple units and really make the absolute most out of the limited number of upgrades we have available.

This brings us to the old Crusader Hover upgrade. This hovering functionality for the Crusader, based on the original Generals concept art - has gone through a huge number of revisions and changes over the course of the mod's development. In our latest public version, the 1.87 beta, the upgrade simply allowed Crusader Tanks to upgrade and permanently shift into their hover mode. This upgrade was rarely a super sought-after inclusion, and beyond a few speedy death-ball builds in pvp, we found it was mainly relegated to water maps where players could send their tanks on suicide charges around the edges - hardly the tactical inclusion we envisioned. So, we decided to completely rework the Hover upgrade into one of the first kit upgrades, allowing players to specialize their Crusaders into a variety of modes, all with their own quirks and considerations.

During the GLA War, the US Army used its large supply of tanks from the 1980s to field-test many new technologies for the development of its next generation of armored fighting vehicles. One of these was the CRSADR (CRew Smart Assistance & DRone package), which quickly became popular as the "Crusader" among US troops, to the outrage of political commentators who considered this extremely tone-deaf in the context of the war.

Despite or perhaps because of this, the name caught on, and when an all-new American main battle tank was introduced in the late 2030s, it was proudly christened the Crusader II. The new tank integrated its predecessor's key features into every aspect of its design: With the use of automation and artificial intelligence, the crew was reduced to a two-man attack helicopter-style setup with sophisticated interfaces modeled heavily after video game controls for intuitive use. Lightweight, high-durability composites offer a perfect balance between crew protection and weight reduction, and, in addition to the companion drones already pioneered by its predecessor, the new Crusader was also designed with adaptability in mind, featuring three distinct configurations.

The first configuration eshews the tank's conventional tread-based propulsion in favor of hover jets. This turns the already agile Crusader into the current record holder of the fastest main battle tank in the world. In addition to improved ground mobility, it also allows the tank to float over water which made it particularly well received by the US Marine Corps and the amphibious forces of various export customers, such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Already known in ROTR for many years, the hover drive used to be a mode switch, allowing all Crusaders to alternate between it and the conventional tread drive at any time. In Version 1.9, the hover drive will become a permanent feature of any individual Crusader that is equipped with this modification.

Render Description: MARS2588

The second configuration replaces the tank's standard cannon turret with a missile launcher especially designed around the new LOSAMP (Line Of Sight Advanced Multi-Purpose) missile. Designed for a potential peer-level conflict with China or Russia, this missile is widely regarded as a response to the resurgence in heavy tanks and fortifications, proving vastly more effective against all types of hard targets than a conventional shell, albeit with the risk of interception by enemy anti-missile systems.

Render Description: MARS2588

The third configuration installs the MISA (Mobile Integrated Surface to Air) missile system at the back of the standard cannon turret. The system encompasses an extremely scaled-down air surveillance and targeting radar alongside a vertical launch system for small anti-aircraft missiles and integrates directly with the tank's native AI systems. This allows MISA to automatically and autonomously engage enemy air targets of opportunity without any human input. Although capable of engaging fast aircraft, the system is primarily designed to deter helicopters and UAVs and does not offer the same level of performance as a full-scale air defense platform.

Render Description: MARS2588

Not only were these kits found to be valued inclusions by our testing team, but the performance improvements by using Kits over previous unit changing methods were significant. Thus, the decision to expand the kit mechanic into other units was made, the fruits of which you have seen over much of the past few months.

In terms of content, that's all we have for you this week. There are no teasers or anything at this time, but we do have a little mini-announcement we would like to make.

For much of our team, we are entering the business end of the year. Many within our development team are prioritizing their real-life commitments, with many starting new jobs, moving into new homes, and working on other projects - with one even starting their own company. As such, you will probably start seeing a slowdown in the amount of weekly updates and content on our social media channels. Rest assured, there will still be progress made on the mod, but the rate of development will slow down over this period, just as it does every year. We love seeing so much enthusiastic community interaction and engagement, but we think it wise for our community to manage expectations over this period. 1.9 will still be in development, and we're not going dark, but we will be slowing down

Once again, we thank you for your continued support, and we will see you next time.
Have a great week, everyone!

If you are curious about Rise of The Reds, visit the Official Website, Forums, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel to obtain further information about it. And this is all we can offer for today regarding Rise of The Reds!

Hi everyone! There is a new version of Dawn of the Tiberium Age posted under the name Dawn of the Tiberium Age Version 13.1.0. For those who are not acquainted with it, Dawn of the Tiberium Age is a stand-alone mod for Tiberian Sun that combines Tiberian Dawn (Command & Conquer 95) and Red Alert featuring a classic mode and an enhanced mode. Here are the changes and the fun stuff from Dawn of the Tiberium Age Version 13.1.0:

Version 13.1.0:
Released: Oct 16, 2024

  • Added: Brutal Co-Op difficulty mode (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Changed: The sidebar icons of the MCVs and War Factories of all different factions now look distinguishable from one-another (Credits: Bittah Commander).
  • Changed: You can now produce all Allied infantry from a deployed Enforcer without needing to own an Allied Barracks.
  • Changed: Several Co-Op missions have received quality-of-life improvements, such as revealing enemy defensive positions in advance so that the missions won't require advance-knowledge to be beaten (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Changed: Difficulty scaling has been improved in several Co-Op missions (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Fixed: Several bugs in the "Liberation Extermination" Co-Op mission have been fixed (Credits: Rampastring).
  • Fixed: You can no longer produce grenadiers from a deployed Enforcer when you don't own a GDI or Soviet Barracks.
  • Fixed: The Missile Silo didn't get disabled when you disabled Super Weapons in Skirmish/Multiplayer.
  • Fixed: The game played a clicking sound when selecting a Minigunner instead of playing its usual voice line.
  • Fixed: The player was unable to build a Missile Silo in three Covert Revolt missions where they were supposed to be able to.
  • Fixed: Power to the People #4: You can now build the TD Refinery after capturing a Nod Construction Yard (Credits: ToasterCat).
  • Fixed: Power to the People #6: There was a random chance to get soft-locked out of finishing the mission (Credits: ToasterCat).
  • Fixed: Power to the People #9: There was a random chance to get soft-locked out of finishing the mission (Credits: ToasterCat).

For further information about Dawn of the Tiberium Age, visit its Forums at PPM, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. You can download Dawn of the Tiberium Age Version 13.1.0 Here. And this is all for today! Enjoy Dawn of the Tiberium Age and provide your feedback about it so it can get better.